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$74.99Yellow mini roses, purple iris, pink Matsumoto aster, pink carnations, and hypercium in an oval-shaped glass bowl.
White, pink, and cream flowers arranged low and compact ina round brown basket. Gerbera, daisy mums, waxflower, matsumoto aster, sweet william, statice, and seeded eucalyptus.
Pale pink, yellow, and green flowers arranged low and compact in a white cube. Roses, dendrobium orchids, hydrangea, and seeded eucalyptus.
One dozen yellow roses with greens arranged tall and close together in a clear glass vase. Few greens.
$84.99All white flowers arranged tall and compact in a white wash wicker handled basket with glads, asiatic lilies, gerbera, roses, white filler flowers, and seeded eucalyptus.
$149.99White and pink flowers tall and overflowing in a clear slender vase with roses, asiatic lilies, glads, stock, curly willow, and few greens with pink satin bow.
$114.9918 peach, pink and yellow roses arranged in a tall clear glass vase with curly willow
$84.99White, yellow, and purple flowers arranged compact in a round basket. Asiatic lilies, iris, gerbera, statice, solidaster, and few greens.
All white Glads, carns and alstro arranged tall and all-around in a white wash handled basket with assorted greens only
$89.99Ten or more stems of all blue iris in a clear glass vase with curly willow and lily grass.
$89.99Natural flower basket with handle containing white oriental lilies, red carnations, red mini-carns, filler flowers and a couple of small American flags.