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Revitalize your moments with the timeless elegance of lilies, the perfect blooms to express pure intentions and heartfelt sentiments. Let our swift flower delivery service bring the majestic beauty of these blossoms right to your doorstep, amplifying the grace of any occasion.
$79.99Stargazers or pink oriental lilies in glass vase with 3 or 4 red roses, pink alstros and fillers like waxflower if available.
$69.99Arrangement of yellow blooms with bright yellow Lilies, alstroemeria, carnations and chrysanthemums in a square glass vase
$74.99White Oriental Lilies and blue belladonna arranged all-around in vase with some greens and no filler. Ok to use dark purple larkspur if belladonna not available.
$84.99Red roses, white asiatic lilies, white daisy mums, mini red carns and sprigs of bupleurum and in a red glass vase.
$69.99White asiatic lilies and white alstromeria arranged in gathering clear glass vase with queen anne’s lace and liliy grass
White Asiatic lilies, red roses and white stock arranged tall and full in a clear vase with a few greens
All white gladiolus (or white lilies) with regular and mini carnations arranged tall and one-sided in a brown basket with greens
$84.99Pink roses and pink oriental lilies arranged all-around in a glass bubble bowl. Add a few greens, no fillers.
$89.99Natural flower basket with handle containing white oriental lilies, red carnations, red mini-carns, filler flowers and a couple of small American flags.
$84.99Red roses , pink asiatic lilies and white stock arranged in a clear glass vase with assorted greens
Red roses, red carnations and white lilies arranged compact and all-around in a clear vase with a red bow and assorted greens.