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Honor your loved ones with an elegant Standing Spray that gracefully conveys your heartfelt condolences and cherished memories. Let our compassionate flower delivery service help you express your sympathy beautifully during this poignant time.
Standing Sprays
Pink carnations, white stock and white glads arranged on a standing easel with assorted greens and misty blue
$124.99Pink and white flowers arranged into a standing spray. Carnations, cushion mums, and roses against large fern leaves with pink satin ribbon accents.
$154.99White glads and white snaps with red carnations arranged on a standing funeral easel with large palm leaves and a large white bow
A funeral heart easel of pale yellow carnations edged with lemon leaves tenderly holding five ivory roses trimmed with ivory ribbon.
$154.99Pink and purple flowers in a standing funeral easel. Stargazers, spider mums and glads and carnations mostly.
$174.99A standing easel with Purple hydrangea,purple asters, pink roses, pink glads and pink cushion mums with yellow snaps, yellow carnations and yellow daisies
Large all white flowers in a standing easel. Lilies, snaps, glads, few white callas if possible.
$139.99all Yellow funeral easel. Use Pom poms and other yellow flowers with a yellow bow.
$164.99Red and white flowers in a standing funeral easel. Carnations, gerbers, pom poms and glads. Red ribbon.
$134.99Pink or Purple glads in a standing easel With a large pink or purple ribbon.
White carnation funeral cross easel with a group of red roses in the middle of the cross cascading down.