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Yellow and white flowers low and compact in an oval banana leaf basket with roses, alstro, asiatic lilies, ranunculus, cusion mums, solidago, and few greens.
Mixed color roses arranged very low in a globe vase. Pink, yellow-orange, white or cream and curly willow inside the vase.
$99.99All white flowers arranged all-around in a glass vase. Roses, carns, snaps, lilies with a few greens and no fillers.
Pink roses, pink tulips, lavender freesia and white snapdragons are the stars in the spring bouquet. Arranged in a planter.
A low dish or basket containing several green plants (including a tall plant, i.e. peace lily) and some purple blooming plants (african violet and mum if possible).
$154.992 Dz Large Headed red roses arranged all-around and low in a clear glass cylinder vase with few greens. No babies breath or bow.
6 Large red roses roses in a red glass vase with greens like salal and eucalyptus.
$69.992 large while roses in bud vase with greens and a white $15 bear. Bear’s arms are wrapped around the vase.
$144.9924 Large red roses wrapped in a bouquet with babies breath if available and greens.
Purple asters and hyacinth with orange and red roses and red carnations arranged low and compact in a clear glass cube with curly willow