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Any Occasion
12 large red roses in clear glass cylinder vase. (Octagon type if possible) With greens and babies breath or similar filler. No Bow.
$79.99Stargazers or pink oriental lilies in glass vase with 3 or 4 red roses, pink alstros and fillers like waxflower if available.
$84.99Sunflowers, red alstromeria, green button mums, orange roses and yellow lilies with purple montecasino arranged compact in a clear vase tied with a straw bow.
$84.99Red roses and carnations with white hydrengea arranged low and compact in a green round container with hypercium, green ornament balls, christmas greens.
$79.99Red Roses, White Poms, Pinecones, Red Berries, Assorted Evergreens, red Glass Vase
$78.99Peppermint and red carnations arranged in a White basket with candy cane, holly, noble fir, white statice, frosted pinecones, berries & red ribbon.
$74.99Red Poinsettia potted in a 6-inch pot in a natural basket decorated with wide velvet ribbon.