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Peach roses, pink gerber daisies and green hydrengea arranged low and compact in a clear vase with assorted greens and curly willow
$104.99Red, white, and pink flowers compact and all-around in a red vase with a silver decorative ornament saying “love” (if avail). Asiatic lilies, mini carns, roses, and few greens.
Mixed color roses arranged very low in a globe vase. Pink, yellow-orange, white or cream and curly willow inside the vase.
$99.99All white flowers arranged all-around in a glass vase. Roses, carns, snaps, lilies with a few greens and no fillers.
Pink roses, pink tulips, lavender freesia and white snapdragons are the stars in the spring bouquet. Arranged in a planter.
Bright red, orange and white flowers arranged tall and all-around in vase. Orange or yellow tiger lilies, yellow mums, red asters. Add solidaster if avail.
$154.992 Dz Large Headed red roses arranged all-around and low in a clear glass cylinder vase with few greens. No babies breath or bow.
6 Large red roses roses in a red glass vase with greens like salal and eucalyptus.
$69.992 large while roses in bud vase with greens and a white $15 bear. Bear’s arms are wrapped around the vase.