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Stargazer lilies, white stock and red roses, Purple Matsumoto asters and monte casino arranged compact in a clear glass vase.
$109.99Red roses, white lilies and yellow altromeriea arranged one-sided in a black container with hypercium, fern, seeded eucalyptus.
$84.99All yellow asiatic lilies, carnations and daisies with purple iris arranged compact in a white bamboo basket with assoered greeds and a purple bow
All white Glads, carns and alstro arranged tall and all-around in a white wash handled basket with assorted greens only
$99.99Yellow lilies, gerber daisies, roses, snaps, carnations and button mums with white hydrengea arranged tall in a clear vase with assorted greens
Six large pink and six large red roses in clear glass vase with greens and a white $15 bear. Bear’s arms wrapped around the vase.
$69.99Orange lilies and red carns arranged all-around in a clear glass vase, add solidaster If avail.
$79.99Orange Asiatic lilies, Gerbera daisies, roses, alstroemeria, red pompons and eucalyptus in a centerpiece with two orange taper candles.
12 large imported pink roses in clear glass vase with babies breath if avail. and a large pink bow with a tan or brown teddy bear around $15.
$114.99Eighteen pink roses roses arranged with folded ti leaves, waxflower and assorted greens in a clear bubble vase.