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$94.99Pink spray roses, white daisy mums, pink and red carnations with lush greens in a clear glass vase.
Stargazers, red roses, red carnations, purple asters and purple iris arranged in a vase with purple filler and greens
White Asiatic lilies, red roses and white stock arranged tall and full in a clear vase with a few greens
All white gladiolus (or white lilies) with regular and mini carnations arranged tall and one-sided in a brown basket with greens
Yellow, blue and red flowers arranged one-sided in glass vase. Red roses, carns, white stock, belladonna, yellow ranunculus or lisianthus, montecasino if avail.
Pink, purple, red, white flowers in basket arranged triangular style. Liatris, glads, red roses, spider mums.
$89.99Stargazers arranged low and compact in vase, with limonium if available.
$109.99Pink roses and pink oriental lilies arranged all-around in a glass bubble bowl. Add a few greens, no fillers.
$109.99Natural flower basket with handle containing white oriental lilies, red carnations, red mini-carns, filler flowers and a couple of small American flags.