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This delicate basket is perfect for anyone who loves roses. The pink and ivory flowers are simply beautiful to behold, and will make a beautiful addition to any funeral or memorial service.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.

Tribute Basket

Item #: 6545
4.42 12 Reviews


*all prices are listed in usd ($)


This delicate basket is perfect for anyone who loves roses. The pink and ivory flowers are simply beautiful to behold, and will make a beautiful addition to any funeral or memorial service.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.
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12 reviews for Tribute Basket






10,000+ Satisfied Customers
  1. 5Brooke H.

    The sympathy flowers we received were elegant and conveyed our sentiments perfectly. Your attention to detail and quick delivery made a challenging time easier to bear.

  2. 5Rodriguez Family

    The consultation helped us choose the right arrangement. The flowers were lovely and brought solace to our family. Thank you for your guidance.

  3. 4Lily H.

    The sympathy arrangement we received was so thoughtfully put together. It reflected the love and care we wanted to convey perfectly. Thank you for your exceptional work.

  4. 4Samuel P.

    The arrangement was exquisite and brought beauty to a somber occasion. We appreciated your attention to detail and prompt delivery.

  5. 4Daniel R.

    Your personalized consultation was invaluable in selecting the perfect arrangement. The flowers were exquisite and brought comfort to the family. Thank you.

  6. 5Michael B.

    Our family was extremely grateful for the personalized sympathy bouquet you created. It was classic and elegant, just as we had hoped. The quick delivery meant a lot to us during our time of need.

  7. 4Sophie K.

    We were deeply moved by the elegant arrangement you created for our loved one’s funeral. The flowers brought comfort and beauty during a difficult time. Thank you.

  8. 4Rebecca G.

    The express delivery of the funeral bouquet we ordered was a relief. Your prompt service made a difference when we needed it most.

  9. 4Maria B.

    The arrangements were simply stunning and brought peace during a difficult period. Thank you.

  10. 5Kimberly W.

    The arrangement was both elegant and heartwarming. We appreciated the prompt delivery and care taken.

  11. 4Jason P.

    The consultation we had with your team helped us choose the perfect arrangement for our needs. It made a difficult decision a bit easier.

  12. 5Lauren M.

    Thank you for the express delivery. Your quick service was a lifesaver.

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