Delivered Delivered by a local florist
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Same day Same Day Delivery


We have the hottest and most exotic roses in town. Our red roses symbolize love and passion while our hot pink roses represent romance and love. Our flowers come in a variety of styles to fit any occasion.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.

Love Dance

Item #: 3457
4.38 16 Reviews

$74.99  $94.99

$104.99 $84.99
*all prices are listed in usd ($)


We have the hottest and most exotic roses in town. Our red roses symbolize love and passion while our hot pink roses represent romance and love. Our flowers come in a variety of styles to fit any occasion.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.
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16 reviews for Love Dance






10,000+ Satisfied Customers
  1. 5Graeme P.

    Thank you the flowers are beautiful and lasting a long time.

  2. 4Guillermo Z.

    Very Good

  3. 5Andrew V.

    Everything was wonderful, thank you.

  4. 4William T.

    Lovely flowers, highly

  5. 5Ryan E.

    The recipient loved the surprise bouquet. Thank you.

  6. 4Daniel S.

    I ordered flowers for my mother’s retirement, and Blossom Flower delivered with grace and sophistication. The bouquet was elegant, and the delivery was seamless. Thank you for helping me honor my mom’s milestone!

  7. 4Olivia M.

    My mother’s birthday surprise was a bouquet from Blossom Flower, and she was thrilled! The flowers were fresh and lovely, and the delivery was flawless. Thank you for making her day special.

  8. 4Mark S.

    For my girlfriend’s graduation, I chose Blossom Flower, and they delivered beyond my expectations. The flowers were breathtaking, and the delivery was seamless. She was overjoyed with the surprise!

  9. 4Emily T.

    We ordered a bouquet for my sister’s birthday, and the delivery was super quick! The flowers were absolutely stunning, and my sister was over the moon. Thank you, Blossom Flower, for making her day so special.

  10. 5Michael T.

    I ordered a bouquet for my mother’s anniversary, and she was overjoyed with the beautiful arrangement that arrived on time. The flowers were exquisite, and the delivery was seamless. Blossom Flower truly knows how to make moments magical!

  11. 4Michael W.

    Ordered flowers for my brother’s graduation, and I must say, Blossom Flower nailed it! The bouquet was delivered on time, and the quality exceeded my expectations. He was thrilled. I highly recommend their services!

  12. 4Rachel D.

    Exceeded our expectations, thank you team.

  13. 5Michael R.

    My girlfriend received a bouquet for our anniversary, and she was blown away by the freshness and colors of the flowers. The same-day delivery option was a lifesaver. Blossom Flower never disappoints!

  14. 5Lily G.

    We ordered a bouquet for our aunt’s birthday, and she was amazed by how beautiful the flowers were. The delivery was prompt, and the arrangement was exquisite. Blossom Flower is our go-to for all occasions!

  15. 4Sophia E.

    I bought a bouquet for my best friend’s engagement, and the delivery exceeded my expectations. The flowers looked even better in person, and she adored them! Kudos to Blossom Flower for their top-notch service.

  16. 4Rebecca M.

    My sister received a stunning arrangement for her birthday. She said it made her day and the flowers lasted for weeks! Blossom Flower, you’ve won a loyal customer in me.

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