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Spring Flowers
Pink & white flowers arranged low & all around in a white basket with roses, carnations, poms, white montecasino and a pink lace ribbon tied to the handle.
$89.99White, pink, yellow, and purple flowers ina basket with Carnations, daisy poms, alstro, statice, baby’s breath, and few greens.
Pink and purple flowers in a basket. Alstros, cushion poms, mini carns, asters, and statice in basket with handle.
$119.9912 Large red roses roses in a clear glass vase with greens and no bow.
$94.99All white and pink flowers in a white basket. Pink snaps, white roses, pink and white carns, asters.
Dark and light pink with white flowers arranged compact and all-around in a clear vase with Carns, mini carns, daisy mums, alstro, waxflower, and few greens.
Pnk carnations and pink alstromeria with purple asters arranged in a clear glass vase with and purple montecasino, and misty blue.
Hot pink, orange, purple, and yellow flowers arranged tall in a green container with Gerbera, carns, roses, larkspur, snapdragon, and greens.
$89.99Yellow, pink, and purple flowers arranged all-around in glass vase. Yellow poms, pink carns, pink alstro, purple statice if possible.
Blue Hydrangea, purple stock, pink stargazers, and yellow snaps with solidaster arranged in a clear vase
$94.99Yellow gerber daisies, white daisies and yellow alstromeria arranged compact and all around in a clear vase.