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An all orange standing open heart easel with roses, spray roses, Asiatic lilies and gerber daisies accented with yellow solidago and seeded eucalyptus.
$154.99A funeral Garden wreath with 2 arrangements on opposite ends made of yellow roses and orange lilies with a large orange bow
Yellow, green, white flowers daisies, cushion poms, alstro, and button mums with montecassino, and hypercium berries arranged low and compact in a dark retangular basket.
$99.99All white flowers arranged all-around in a glass vase. Roses, carns, snaps, lilies with a few greens and no fillers.
$79.99Pink and white flowers arranged full and all-around in a clear glass vase. White roses, carns, freesia or roses, waxflower and greens
$74.993 large while roses roses in bud vase with greens and a white $15 bear. Bear’s arms are wrapped around the vase.
$84.9912 Large red roses in clear glass cylinder vase. Just assorted greens and eucalyptus if possible. No fillers or bow.
$89.9912 long stem hot pink roses with pink waxflower and greenery, then decorated with curly willow in a square glass vase.
24 Large pink roses roses in a clear glass cylinder vase. (Octagon type if possible) With greens, babies breath if available. No Bow.
6 Large while roses in clear glass cylinder vase with a $15 brown teddy bear. Just assorted greens. NO fillers or bow.
$114.991 dz pink roses in a glass vase (vase that bulbs out like a rose vase ) 5 white dendrobium orchids and fillers.
$74.993 large yellow roses in bud vase, few greens and a white $15 bear. Bear’s arms are wrapped around the vase.