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Send someone special a beautiful bouquet of roses today. Our orange and yellow roses are fresh, vibrant and absolutely magnificent. They will be sure to impress with their unique colorfulness and fragrance.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.

Golden Glow

Item #: 3025
4.75 12 Reviews

$69.99  $89.99

$94.99 $74.99
*all prices are listed in usd ($)


Send someone special a beautiful bouquet of roses today. Our orange and yellow roses are fresh, vibrant and absolutely magnificent. They will be sure to impress with their unique colorfulness and fragrance.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.
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12 reviews for Golden Glow






10,000+ Satisfied Customers
  1. 5Frances M.

    The flowers were beautiful and on time. We were completely satisfied. It was very nice arrangement.

  2. 5Gerry S.

    My client was delighted! Thank you

  3. 5Gerry S.

    My client is happy. I am happy

  4. 4Grace H.

    Exceptional value!

  5. 5Olivia G.

    Exquisite flowers that made our anniversary even more special. Highly recommended.

  6. 5Ava C.

    Stunning bouquet, easy ordering process.

  7. 4Natalie M.

    High-quality flowers, exceeded our expectations.

  8. 5James A.

    My girlfriend loved the surprise bouquet I ordered for her. The flowers were exquisite, and the delivery was quick. Thanks, Blossom Flower, for helping me make her day!

  9. 4Kayla H.

    Incredible variety, stunning

  10. 5Andrew N.

    The recipient was thrilled with the bouquet. Thank you for the great service.

  11. 5Jake P.

    My girlfriend received a surprise bouquet from Blossom Flower, and she was over the moon! The flowers were exquisite, and the delivery was swift. Thank you for helping me brighten her day. Highly recommended!

  12. 5Tyler C.

    Lovely flowers, well-packaged. Delighted with our choice, thanks!

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