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$94.998 red roses with purple alstromeria and purple montecasino arranged compact and all-around in a clear bulb vase with red satin bow.
$84.99Pink alstromeria, red carnations, pink lilies and pink roses arranged in a white wicker basket with myrtle, and salal.
One dozen pink roses roses arranged with folded ti leaves, waxflower and assorted greens in a clear bubble vase.
Orange, yellow, peach and pink flowers arranged tall, one-sided in vase. Orange or yellow gerbs, stock, pink and peach roses, limonium, yellow oncidium orchids if available.
yellow gerbera daisies and spray roses arranged low and compact in a whitewash handled basket with green hypercirum, assorted greens and yellow satin bow.
$84.99Purple daisies, yellow asiatic lilies and yellow carnations arranged compact in a clear glass vase with lavender montecasino and greens
$84.99All white daisy mums arranged round and compact in a green bubble vase with bupleurum.
Two dozen large pink roses roses in a clear glass vase with babies breath and 12 assorted latex balloons.
About six stargazers and 12 pink rosesroses arranged all-around in clear glass vase. Few greens, purple accents and curly willow if available. No babies breath
White daisies and green carnations compact in a green square vase with green satin bow and bupleurum.