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$94.99All pink roses, carnations and gerber daisies with white freesia arranged low and compact (below the handle) in a natural basket with assorted greens
$99.99Pink and white flowers arranged tall and all-around in a cylinder vase. Pink roses, asters, white snaps, pink larkspur and montecasino if possible.
$144.992 Dz Large red roses roses arranged tall and all-around in a clear glass rose vase with babies breath if avail. and greens. (Not a cylinder vase)
$194.99A standing funeral cross on an easel made with all white cushion mum, framed with green leaves and an arrangement on the middle with curly willow and orange and green orchids
Orange, pink and purple flowers arranged tall in a vase. Iris, purple poms, orange asiatic lily, purple larkspur.
Pink asiatic lilies, pink roses and pink lisisanthus with yellow roses arranged low and compact in a short clear vase with solidago and few greens.
$104.9912 Large pink roses in clear glass rose vase (Not a cylinder vase) with a $15 tan or brown teddy bear. Just assorted greens. No fillers or bow.
18 large head red roses roses arranged all-around in clear glass cylinder vase with greens. No fillers or bow.
Red roses, red carnations, purple asters, & orange/peach roses with purple hyacinth arranged low and compact in a clear glass cube vase.
Pink, white, purple and some yellow flowers arranged all around in vase. Alstros, daisies, few carns, lisianthus, add waxflower if possible.
All yellow asiatic lilies, carnations and daisies with purple iris arranged compact in a white bamboo basket with assoered greens and a purple bow
$89.99Yellow lilies, spray pink roses, pink tulips purple stock and green carnations in a light pink vase with greens and filler.