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sunflowers Red tulips, red alstromeria, and green button mums arranged compact in a clear bulb vase with purple montecasino and a Straw bow.
$84.99Red roses, white asiatic lilies, white daisy mums, mini red carns and sprigs of bupleurum and in a red glass vase.
$79.99All white and pink flowers in a white basket. Pink snaps, white roses, pink and white carns, asters.
$69.99Yellow daisies and mini gerbers in a clear glass vase with no filler. Ok to substitute sunflowers or regular gerbs for mini gerbs.
Orange lilies , purple iris, light pink mini carnations, white monte casino and solidaster arranged in a white handled basket.
12 large red roses roses in a clear glass vase with babies breath if available and greens.
Red roses, red carnations, stargazer lilies,white stock, white monte casino with purple asters arranged compact in a clear glass vase.
$124.99Pink and white flowers arranged into a standing spray. Carnations, cushion mums, and roses against large fern leaves with pink satin ribbon accents.
Pink gerber daisies, pink roses, white button mums and white or green lisianthus arranged low and overflowing in a clear glass vase with greens and pink filler
Coral roses, white asiatic lilies and peach mini carnations arranged low and compact in a clear cube with hypercium and assorted greens