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Welcome to our luxurious bouquet of fresh flowers! Our selection of plants is perfect for any special occasion. From vibrant pink roses to lush greens, we have the perfect arrangement for you and your loved ones. Our flowers are handpicked and arranged with care, ensuring that each one is as beautiful and vibrant as the next. Our products are sure to make your event feel extra special. Thank you for choosing our flowers!

The Rich Lush Plants Collection

Item #: 2885
4.5 14 Reviews
$84.99 $64.99


Welcome to our luxurious bouquet of fresh flowers! Our selection of plants is perfect for any special occasion. From vibrant pink roses to lush greens, we have the perfect arrangement for you and your loved ones. Our flowers are handpicked and arranged with care, ensuring that each one is as beautiful and vibrant as the next. Our products are sure to make your event feel extra special. Thank you for choosing our flowers!

*all prices are listed in usd ($)
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14 reviews for The Rich Lush Plants Collection






10,000+ Satisfied Customers
  1. 4Joseph C.

    Product was great and beautiful, but I had paid extra to have it delivered by 1300 last Thursday. It was not delivered until 1600 last Thursday.

  2. 4Sylvia L.

    This product was nice for the plant lover that would rather have a plant instead of flowers to cheer them up.

  3. 5Louise B.

    My daughter loved the plant.

  4. 5Daniel T.

    As a busy professional, I relied on Blossom Flower for my wife’s birthday bouquet. The flowers were delivered on time and looked stunning. She was delighted with the surprise. Great job!

  5. 4Christopher M.

    Affordable pricing and top-notch quality, satisfied customer.

  6. 4Grace T.

    Lovely presentation, exceeded

  7. 4Mia M.

    Beautiful arrangement that exceeded our expectations. Thank you!

  8. 5Jeremy S.

    Professional service, stunning presentation.

  9. 4Sarah W.

    Thank you, Blossom Flower, for making my sister’s graduation even more special with a lovely bouquet. The delivery was quick, and the flowers were so fresh. She was delighted!

  10. 4Mark J.

    We surprised our friend with a gorgeous arrangement for her engagement, and the delivery was right on time! The flowers were stunning, and she couldn’t stop raving about them. Blossom Flower truly knows how to make moments memorable!

  11. 5Samantha T.

    Beautiful bouquet, excellent

  12. 5Isabella M.

    Exotic flowers, prompt delivery. Truly satisfied with everything.

  13. 5Noah R.

    Gorgeous flowers, excellent service, fantastic online ordering experience.

  14. 5David A.

    For my brother’s graduation, I chose Blossom Flower for a unique bouquet, and the result was nothing short of exquisite. The flowers arrived in pristine condition, and the vibrant hues were a perfect match for the celebration. Their service is top-notch!

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