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All white Glads, carns and alstro arranged tall and all-around in a white wash handled basket with assorted greens only
White spray roses, lavender regular roses, purple statice and white waxflower arranged with ivy and variegated pittosporum low and compact in natural basket with handle.
Red roses, red carnations, stargazer lilies,white stock, white monte casino with purple asters arranged compact in a clear glass vase.
$94.99White asiatic lilies with pink roses and pink stock arranged round and compact in a clear glass ginger jar vase with pink waxflower, and seeded eucalyptus.
Pink, purple, red, white flowers in basket arranged triangular style. Liatris, glads, red roses, spider mums.
$74.99Pink stargazer lilies with a pink statice arranged low and compact in a clear glass cube.
All White asiatic lilies and lisianthus arranged low and compact in a clear vase with a few greens
6 or more white asiatic lilies and 6 or more red roses arranged in a clear glass vase with assorted greens
$114.991 dz cream roses in a glass vase (vase that bulbs out like a rose vase) and 5 white dendrobium orchids and fillers.
$164.99Light pink and cream roses with White lilies and hydrengia arranged with misty blue,Queen Anne’s lace and dusty miller in clear-glass vase.
Pink, lavender, and green flowers arranged low and compact in a green rectangular container with Daisy poms, mini carns , button poms, alstro, carns, roses.
Pink and white flowers arranged full and all around in a glass vase. Carnations, alstro, asters and white filler like limonium.