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Coral roses, white asiatic lilies and peach mini carnations arranged low and compact in a clear cube with hypercium and assorted greens
$84.99Pink spray roses, orange gerbera, white carnations and poms, in a glass vase with greens.
$84.99All white Glads, carns and alstro arranged tall and all-around in a white wash handled basket with assorted greens only
Stargazers, red roses, red carnations, purple asters and purple iris arranged in a vase with purple filler and greens
$74.99White Oriental Lilies and blue belladonna arranged all-around in vase with some greens and no filler. Ok to use dark purple larkspur if belladonna not available.
$74.99cream,hot pink and red roses with red carnations and pink alstromeria low and compact in a glass cube.
$79.99Coral roses, white asiatic lilies and peach mini carnations arranged low and compact in a clear cube with hypercium and assorted greens
Iris, Liatris (or larkspur), purple asters and montecasino if avail. arranged vertically in a brown basket.
12 large red roses in clear glass cylinder vase. (Octagon type if possible) With greens and babies breath or similar filler. No Bow.
All white roses, lilies and daisies with light blue delphinium arranged in a clear vase with white montecasino and blue organza bow.
$104.99All white glads, carns and alstro arranged tall and all-around in a white wash handled basket with assorted greens only