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Funeral Service
$89.99Yellow lilies, spray pink roses, pink tulips purple stock and green carnations in a light pink vase with greens and filler.
$79.99Pink and white flowers arranged full and all-around in a clear glass vase. White roses, carns, freesia or roses, waxflower and greens
$154.99White china mums, whites naps, white lilies, white carns and blue delphinium one sided and triangle shape on a funeral standing easel with palm leaves and a blue bow.
$109.99White Blooming plant basket with pothos, diffenbachia, dracaena and philodendron with a yellow bow.
$174.99Assorted pink and purple flowers in a funeral wreath. Gerbers, roses, asters, etc.
$324.99All white flowers in a solid heart-shaped standing wreath against pitta negrawith Roses, lilies, gerbera, carnations, and satin ribbon.
All white china mums on a cross-shaped funeral wreath with a diagonal sash of yellow gerbera, stargzaers, purple liatris, red roses, myrtle, white bow.
$99.991 dozen pink roses roses with pink heather in a ginger jar clear glass vase.
$84.99One dozen red roses roses arranged in clear glass vase with baby’s breath
24 Large pink roses in a clear glass cylinder vase. Just assorted greens. NO babies breath or bow.