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Funeral Flowers
$94.99White asiatic lilies with pink roses and pink stock arranged round and compact in a clear glass ginger jar vase with pink waxflower, and seeded eucalyptus.
Yellow, green, white flowers daisies, cushion poms, alstro, and button mums with montecassino, and hypercium berries arranged low and compact in a dark retangular basket.
$94.99White daisies and 9 pink roses arranged in a clear glass vase with caspia, greens and a pink bow
$74.99All pink roses, carnations and gerber daisies with white freesia arranged low and compact (below the handle) in a natural basket with assorted greens
Pink and purple flowers in a basket. Alstros, cushion poms, mini carns, asters, and statice in basket with handle.
12 white roses with white alstromeria arranged all around in a tall slender clear vase with a few greens
$114.99All white roses, lilies and daisies with light blue delphinium arranged in a clear vase with white montecasino and blue organza bow.
Stargazers, red roses, red carns, purple lisianthus, pink mini carns,pink alstromeria, monte casino, and a few greens arranged tall, full and one sided in a white mache basket.
$79.99Pink snaps and carns with some cream roses arranged low and compact in tall vase, limonium if possible.
24 Large yellow roses in clear glass cylinder vase. (Octagon type if possible) With greens, babies breath if available. No bow.
Purple matsumoto aster montecasino, pink roses,pink waxflower, yellow tulips, white daisy poms, and a few greens low and compact in natural basket with handle and white ribbon.
$89.9912 large red roses roses in a clear glass vase with misty blue if available and greens.