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Fall Flowers
Yellow roses, purple stock, fuschia mini carnations, and green button mums arranged one-sided in a clear vase.
$89.99Orange, yellow, and white flowers tall and full in a round natural basket. Sunflowers, snaps, and waxflower.
Red roses and spray roses, orange Asiatic lilies and pepperberry stems in a round brown basket with handle.
Red roses, red carnations, purple asters, & orange/peach roses with purple hyacinth arranged low and compact in a clear glass cube vase.
$79.99Orange roses, coral carnations, and burgundy cushion mums arranged in a clear vase with assorted greens
$104.99Peach spray roses, red mini carnations and orange daisy pompons arranged closely grouped in a tall glass vase with matching ribbon. No flower filler or greens.
Assorted plants in a wooden basket with a yellow daisy mum, pink spray rose, african violet,yellow gerbera, orange begonia, a diffenbachia and ivy,
Orange and yellow roses, mini sunflowers, daisies, poms and wheat in a dark brown basket with handle.
Orange roses, cora carnationsl, and burgundy cushion mums arranged in a clear vase with assorted greens
Two sunflowers with yellow button poms, white carnations, jade roses if any and white alstros in a clear glass vase.
$69.99Yellow orange and purple flowers arranged all-around in a brown basket. Orange carns, yellow mums, larkspur or delphinium, purple statice if avail.
$79.99Brown (or orange) roses, orange spray roses, peach gerbera daisies and peach alstromerias in a glass bubble bowl