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Any Occasion
$69.99Arrangement of yellow blooms with bright yellow Lilies, alstroemeria, carnations and chrysanthemums in a square glass vase
$69.99White asiatic lilies and white alstromeria arranged in gathering clear glass vase with queen anne’s lace and liliy grass
$69.99Red carns and mini carns with white asiatic lilies and blue delphinium arranged all- round in a whitewash basket with 2 american flags.
$69.99White, pink, yellow, and purple flowers ina basket with Carnations, daisy poms, alstro, statice, baby’s breath, and few greens.
Pnk carnations and pink alstromeria with purple asters arranged in a clear glass vase with and purple montecasino, and misty blue.
$69.99Six red roses roses in a vase with assorted greens and white montecasino
Mix of reds pinks yellows and some purple flowers like carnations, alstros, poms & asters in a clear glass vase.
$69.99Yellow, pink, and purple flowers arranged all-around in glass vase. Yellow poms, pink carns, pink alstro, purple statice if possible.
Pink and white flowers arranged low in a basket (w/handle). Pink asiatic lilies, a rose or two, white daisies, aster, & waxflower if available.